Procure to Pay Portal

Connecting your people, to your suppliers, your way

True North have exclusive rights to Youtopia Technologies in New Zealand and Australia.
Youtopia’s easy to use on-line portal, provides a single point of contact for approved users to a broad range of products and services, supplied by True North and your other suppliers. More convenient (and less expensive to implement) than most ERP’s our portal helps reduce rogue spend and provides visibility across all your activity. This means you have the ideal platform to introduce new products, prices and suppliers, plus link your people to the latest software to facilitate their roles.
Our people provide support services for users, suppliers and head office. A proactive partner within the procurement team, we ensure the solution works seamlessly throughout your organisation and help maximise the results achieved.
We bring the True North difference to every customer relationship, applying our service mantra INNOVATE, SIMPLIFY, SAVE.
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